Write a TV Pilot in 6 Weeks! TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 0 (June 26 2022)
“A typical TV show is always about protecting the franchise – it’s all about stretching it out as long as you can take it. And it’s about taking the characters in any given hour as far as you can take them, but then resetting them more or less back to zero so at the beginning of the next week, so they’re still the character you know and love.”
–Vince Gilligan
Ready to write a TV pilot? This class provides an overview of the bootcamp and helps you develop your pilot idea. We’ll dive into the construction of your premise, characters and story world as you refine the concept for the project you will write during the intensive six-week TV Pilot Bootcamp. Bring your loglines and original show ideas!
The complete six-week TV Pilot Bootcamp course meets weekly every Sunday. Pro screenwriter Conor Kyle takes you from blank page to the first draft of a complete original pilot screenplay. You’ll attend a two-hour class session each week in which we’ll walk through the entire process of conceiving, outlining, and writing an original TV pilot.
TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 0 Homework Assignment
(due July 3)
- Develop your series logline and pilot logline.
- Read at least one recent TV pilot script.
- Class Slide Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lGW3I00IbFkXyWvS5H930SRBqaF2O8__S0eb8o__D-s/edit?usp=sharing
- Link to access lots of recent TV pilot scripts: https://sites.google.com/site/tvwriting/
- Link to access over 600 screenplays from the Black List on the Script Camp shared drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/127a696W0cFhwbTLVzq78BTlj1tQv640y
- Also, in case it’s helpful, here’s an example sketchbook, story beats and scene cards from Conor’s script The Knowledge: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z6CTsH9qYHsIRh0P6pAY_S84BcxHBfPN2gazzHnoLm8/edit?usp=sharing
Conor Kyle
Conor Kyle has written for Shudder’s Creepshow (2019) and placed twice in the Nicholl Fellowship with his scripts “Peter and the Wolves” (quarterfinals, also Launchpad top 10) and The Tube (semifinals). His screenplays have also been featured on the annual Hit List, Young & Hungry List, Spec Book, and on Tracking Board’s “Best Writers of the Year” booklet. He writes everything from stage musicals to Westerns to horror movies.
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