TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 1 (July 3 2022)
“I learned how to write TV by writing Grey’s Anatomy.” —Shonda Rhimes
Week 1: Loglines & Sketchbook (July 3)
We begin this course by zeroing in on the high concept core premise, and developing two separate loglines to express this idea. The first is the series logline, and the second is the pilot logline. These will act as guideposts to keep us on track through construction of your script. We’ll also start filling out our sketchbooks, brainstorming a few different episode ideas from our prospective first season, to get a sense of where your show should begin, and where it’s headed.
The complete six-week TV Pilot Bootcamp course meets weekly every Sunday. Pro screenwriter Conor Kyle takes you from blank page to the first draft of a complete original pilot screenplay. You’ll attend a two-hour class session each week in which we’ll walk through the entire process of conceiving, outlining, and writing an original TV pilot.
How to enroll in the complete 6-week TV Pilot Bootcamp:
• You can either purchase the course “a la carte”: https://scriptcamp.net/product/classes/
• Or start your free trial Unlimited Script Camp membership with access to over 70 hours of live classes, workshops and bootcamps every month, including the weekly Writers Lab: https://scriptcamp.net/membership/
TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 1 Homework Assignment
(due July 10)
- Finalize your series logline and pilot logline.
- Fill out your sketchbook.
- Read at least one recent TV pilot script.
- Class Slide Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WzENMbV3usH-8oW_TVKdPn0F9FJrv-pyX3rysxPq4Os/edit?usp=sharing
- Link to access lots of recent TV pilot scripts: https://sites.google.com/site/tvwriting/
- Link to access over 600 screenplays from the Black List on the Script Camp shared drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/127a696W0cFhwbTLVzq78BTlj1tQv640y
- Also, in case it’s helpful, here’s an example sketchbook, story beats and scene cards from Conor’s script The Knowledge: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z6CTsH9qYHsIRh0P6pAY_S84BcxHBfPN2gazzHnoLm8/edit?usp=sharing
Conor Kyle
Conor Kyle has written for Shudder’s Creepshow (2019) and placed twice in the Nicholl Fellowship with his scripts “Peter and the Wolves” (quarterfinals, also Launchpad top 10) and The Tube (semifinals). His screenplays have also been featured on the annual Hit List, Young & Hungry List, Spec Book, and on Tracking Board’s “Best Writers of the Year” booklet. He writes everything from stage musicals to Westerns to horror movies.
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