TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 2 (July 10 2022)
“If you look closely at ‘Breaking Bad’ and any given episode of ‘The X Files,’ you will realize the structure is exactly the same.”
—Vince Gilligan
Week 2: Story Beats (July 10)
Now that you have a solid grasp on the basics of your show, you’ll begin sketching out the key characters, plot points, and set-pieces in your pilot episode. Whether you’re planning for a 30-minute or 60-minute episode, you’ll need to carefully structure and pace your outline to ensure that you’re delivering on the promise of your premise quickly and efficiently enough.
TV Pilot Bootcamp: Week 2 Homework Assignment
(due July 17)
- Complete your Story Beats
- Read at least one recent TV pilot script.
- Class Slide Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bAmbmCbEEKaW_Tugm0kx6XJCTfQEQEbsaVzXUk8AI5g/edit?usp=sharing
- Link to access lots of recent TV pilot scripts: https://sites.google.com/site/tvwriting/
- Link to access over 600 screenplays from the Black List on the Script Camp shared drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/127a696W0cFhwbTLVzq78BTlj1tQv640y
- Also, in case it’s helpful, here’s an example sketchbook, story beats and scene cards from Conor’s script The Knowledge: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z6CTsH9qYHsIRh0P6pAY_S84BcxHBfPN2gazzHnoLm8/edit?usp=sharing
Conor Kyle
Conor Kyle has written for Shudder’s Creepshow (2019) and placed twice in the Nicholl Fellowship with his scripts “Peter and the Wolves” (quarterfinals, also Launchpad top 10) and The Tube (semifinals). His screenplays have also been featured on the annual Hit List, Young & Hungry List, Spec Book, and on Tracking Board’s “Best Writers of the Year” booklet. He writes everything from stage musicals to Westerns to horror movies.
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